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Spoontainable wins Rentenbank startup prize with edible ice cream spoons
Frankfurt. With their edible ice cream spoons, Spoontainable has won the highly prized Rentenbank Startup Award of EUR 5,000 for 2020.
read moreRentenbank launches its first benchmark Green Bond to record demand
Frankfurt. Rentenbank has successfully placed its first publicly listed Green Bond. With a maturity of 7 years, the benchmark bond’s issuance volume was set at EUR 1.75 billion. The demand was just under EUR 4 billion. ‘The record demand for a Rentenbank bond shows how buoyant this market segment currently is,’ said Horst Reinhardt, Chairman of the Management Board at Rentenbank, Germany’s development agency for agribusiness and rural areas. Investors for whom sustainability goals are an explicit mainstay of their investment strategy benefitted from an increased allocation quota.
read moreRentenbank proves a reliable funding partner with robust performance amid pandemic
Frankfurt. Rentenbank’s first six months of 2020 were characterised by the coronavirus pandemic. Germany’s development agency for agribusiness and rural areas opened up its Liquidity Assistance Programme to affected enterprises and has introduced a guarantee programme in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture. The demand for Rentenbank low interest promotional loans remained steady. Total new promotional business rose by 15.6% to EUR 6.8 billion. Capital ratios, collateralisation and quality of the lending portfolio as well as the efficiency of Rentenbank’s banking operations remained constantly high.
read moreNikola Steinbock to be new member of the Management Board at Rentenbank
Frankfurt. At a meeting in Frankfurt am Main, Rentenbank’s Supervisory Board appointed Nikola Steinbock (51) as a new member of the Management Board.
read moreRentenbank - following a successful 2019, the focus for 2020 is on corona relief
Frankfurt. 2019 saw Rentenbank’s new promotional business increase at EUR 10.6 billion, slightly above the prior-year level. The special promotional loans business which forms part of it dwindled, mainly because new business in the Renewable Energy promotional line dropped significantly. However, the German development agency for agribusiness and rural areas was in a position to expand its activities within its core area of agriculture.
read moreFiscal Year 2019 – Increase in new promotional business for agriculture
Frankfurt. Rentenbank can look back at 2019 as a year for strong promotional business. Within its core Agriculture promotional line, Rentenbank saw new business in its attractive low-interest special promotional loans increase by 2.7%. By contrast, the Renewable Energy promotional line experienced a decline. As a result, new business in special promotional loans dropped overall by around 10% to EUR 6.0 billion. Nevertheless, Rentenbank increased its total new promotional business by nearly 3% to EUR 10.6 billion.
read moreRentenbank expects 2020 funding volume of up to EUR 11 billion, Green Bond benchmark coming soon
Frankfurt. Rentenbank expects a total funding volume of up to EUR 11 billion with maturities of more than two years in 2020.
read moreRentenbank Startup Award for Pollination by Mouse Click
Frankfurt. BEEsharing has won the highly prized Rentenbank Startup Award of EUR 5,000 for 2019.
read moreMore promotional loans for agriculture and rural areas, capital ratios further increased
Frankfurt. In the first half of 2019, Rentenbank granted special promotional loans in the amount of EUR 3.2 billion (EUR 3.3 billion in the first half of 2018). Germany’s development agency for agribusiness and rural areas made gains in the Agriculture and Rural Development promotional lines. However, the demand for wind farm financing dwindled again. Total new business in special promotional loans and in the form of registered bonds, promissory notes, and securities with a link to rural areas increased to EUR 5.8 billion in the first half of 2019.
read moreClimate change challenge – Rentenbank’s Edmund Rehwinkel Foundation presents research results
Frankfurt. According to Dr. Martin Banse and Dr. Viktoriya Sturm from the Thünen Institute for Market Analysis team in Braunschweig, the contribution made by the 28 EU member states to the global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agribusiness is relatively small.
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