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10 January 2007

Rentenbank's business year 2006: Increased promotional business and stable profitability

New promotional business increases to € 14.5 billion; the balance sheet medium and long-term promotional loan portfolio increases by 5.3 % to € 36 billion Net interest income and operating result slightly above the previous year's level, cost-income ratio 17.2 % (17.1 %) Total assets reach € 82.5 billion (€ 77 billion) Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank, Germany's agency for agriculture and rural areas based in Frankfurt/Main, showed once again an increase in new promotional business and slightly improved profitability in the business year 2006. In particular, there was a higher demand for st...

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20 December 2006

Implementation of Basel II leads to zero risk weight for Rentenbank issues

With the introduction of the new Solvency Regulation (Solvabilitätsverordnung, SolvV) as of 1 January 2007, German banks will no longer have to back their holdings of Rentenbank issues with equity capital. According to § 28 of the Solvency Regulation, funding raised by Rentenbank will be treated equal to issues of the Federal Republic of Germany for risk weighting purposes. The new regulation transforms the Basel II rules which stipulate significantly more risk-sensitive capital requirements than the previous guidelines into German law. Due to the amended EU Banking Directive, the German de...

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14 December 2006

Rentenbank plans to raise approximately EUR 11 bn in 2007

Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank, Germany's agency for agriculture and rural areas, today announced its issuing plans in the Australian Dollar domestic market for 2007. Rentenbank aims to raise up to A$ 2bn for its medium and long-term funding via its A$ MTN Programme, unchanged from the ceiling planned for 2006.Issuance is likely to include increases of outstanding transactions as well as new issues to further complete and extend Rentenbank's yield curve. Net issuance in 2007 will not exceed A$ 1.5bn as A$ 500m of 5.50% Notes will be due on April 16, 2007.The 6% Notes due Sept. 15, 2009 will...

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6 December 2006

Rentenbank plans to raise approximately EUR 11 bn in 2007

Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank, Germany's agency for agriculture and rural areas, plans to raise the equivalent of approximately EUR 11bn in medium and long-term funding in 2007. The figure includes all transactions in the capital markets with maturities and non-call periods of more than two years. Funding will most likely include EUR benchmarks and USD global bonds again, in total four transactions. They will be issued in intermediate maturities with a minimum size of EUR / USD 1bn. Furthermore, it is planned to issue liquid transactions in AUD and other currencies. Benchmark funding will...

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13 November 2006

Dr. Horst Reinhardt has been appointed to the management board as deputy member effective January 1, 2007

Dr. Horst Reinhardt (52), head of the treasury department at Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank, Frankfurt, has been appointed by the advisory board of Rentenbank to the management board as deputy member effective January 1, 2007 and as full member effective October 1, 2007.Dr. Uwe Zimpelmann has announced his wish to retire on September 30, 2007 at 64 which has been accepted by the advisory board.Effective January 1, 2007, the members of the management board of Germany's agency for agriculture and rural areas are Dr. Uwe Zimpelmann (chairman), Hans Jürgen Ploog, Hans Bernhardt and Dr. Horst Re...

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26 July 2006

Increased promotional business and slightly improved profitability in the first half of 2006

New promotional business increases to € 8.6 billion; buoyant issuing activities; net interest income and operating result slightly above the previous year; cost-income ratio improves to 16.4 %  The favourable business performance of Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank, Frankfurt/Main, continued in the first half of 2006. According to the semi-annual report published today, the promotional bank for agriculture and rural areas showed an increase in new business for promotional loans and a slightly improved profitability. In particular, the bank's new business in standard promotional loan...

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9 May 2006

Favourable developments in costs and profitability make extended promotional activities possible

First quarter 2006: Continuing increased demand for promotional loans; issue activities at high level; operating result and net interest income once again slightly higher than the previous year Business year 2005: New commitments for special loans almost 30 % higher than the previous year, portfolio of medium and long-term promotional loans grew by 6.2 %; cost-income ratio decreased to 17.1 % together with improved profitability   Details of Rentenbank's outstanding A$ issues: Dr. h.c. Uwe Zimpelmann, Chairman of the Board of Managing Directors of Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank, Fran...

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26 January 2006

Rentenbank plans to raise up to A$ 2bn in 2006

Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank, Germany's agency for agriculture and rural areas, today announced its issuing plans in the Australian Dollar domestic market for 2006. Rentenbank aims to raise up to A$ 2bn for its medium- and long-term funding via its A$ MTN Programme, unchanged from 2005. Issuance is likely to include increases of outstanding transactions as well as new issues to further complete Rentenbank's yield curve.Rentenbank's outstanding A$ MTN issues have an aggregate volume of A$ 4.05bn. The German agency is rated Aaa/AAA/AAA by Moody's Investors Service, Standard & Poor's and...

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11 January 2006

Rentenbank increases promotional business in 2005

New business in special loans almost 30 % above previous year;medium and long-term promotional loan portfolio in the balance sheet increases by 6.2 % Continuing favourable funding conditions Net interest income and operating result increase slightly;cost-income ratio improves to 17.1 % Total assets reach € 77 billion   The business year 2005 once again brought a strong demand for promotional loans from Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank, Germany's agency for agriculture and rural areas based in Frankfurt/Main. Special loans, which are granted for specific promotional purposes and assista...

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Christian Pohl

+ 49 69-2107-376

Fax: + 49 69-2107-6444

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